Protecting Our Elections: Analyzing 2024 AI Threats & Lessons in Resilience from Around the World

Join the World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh and the Alliance for Securing Democracy at the German Marshall Fund to explore threats to the 2024 US election and others around the world, including from foreign influence, the misuse of artificial intelligence (AI), and false election integrity narratives.


The Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD), a nonpartisan initiative housed at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, develops comprehensive strategies to deter, defend against, and raise the costs on autocratic efforts to undermine and interfere in democratic institutions. ASD has staff in Washington, D.C., and Brussels, bringing together experts on disinformation, malign finance, emerging technologies, elections integrity, economic coercion, and cybersecurity, as well as Russia, China, and the Middle East, to collaborate across traditional stovepipes and develop cross-cutting frameworks.


Reserve your spot here.

Wednesday, September 25

KST’s Alloy Studios
5530 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Note: the entrance is located on Stratford Ave.

Time: Doors open at 5PM
The conversation starts at 6PM


David Hickton is the founder of Pitt Cyber, which was created to provide a unique interdisciplinary environment for tackling cyber challenges and address the critical questions of networks, data, and algorithms, focusing on the ever-changing gaps among law, policy, and technology. Recently, he was nominated by President Biden to serve on the Public Interest Declassification Board for a three-year term through January 10, 2027. David is a Non-Resident Senior Advisor at the Center for Strategic & International Studies and a Distinguished Fellow of the Azure Forum for Contemporary Security Strategy. From May 2020 to June 2021, he served as staff director and senior counsel to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis.


Rachael Dean Wilson is the managing director of the Alliance for Securing Democracy, where she leads work on U.S. elections and political analysis. She has also served in senior roles on Capitol Hill and political campaigns.

Bret Schafer is a senior fellow and head of the Alliance for Securing Democracy’s information manipulation team. Bret is the creator and manager of Hamilton 2.0, an online open-source dashboard tracking the outputs of Russian, Chinese, and Iranian state media outlets, diplomats, and government officials.

Free and open to the public.